Monday, November 20, 2006

Vote for Us!

Please vote for Merlin in Skeezix's new contest! It only takes a second, I promise.

You don't even have to read the entries, you can just vote! I know, I know, that's not really the spirit of the contest, but I'm talking to those of you who wouldn't enjoy reading how much people love their cats...


Sarah said...

Aw. He's a cutie. I wonder how torn up I'd get if I tried to put a collar on mine. Oh well, he has a microchip anyway.

Mo and The Purries said...

I went and voted for you!
Wow, that Skeezix is one techno-savvy cat!

Merlin's Mommy: that was a beautiful story of devotion (and the devotion ran both ways) of you & Merlin. I knew most of the details, but you wrapped it up into a lovely package.
I'm proud to vote for Merlin on Daphne's behalf.

your friend,