Wednesday, June 01, 2011


It's hotter than the fires of hell (seriously, y'all, like almost 100 degrees) in Memphis right now (already! It's just June 1!), and it makes me miss Colorado.

I miss the sound of the rattling Aspen leaves in the cool, fresh breeze, and the river rushing by while P and I sit on the deck at our favorite bar eating chicken nachos and drinking Pacifico. 

I miss needing a jacket after dark, even in August.  I miss the lack of humidity and the not feeling sticky already at 9 am.

I miss driving with the windows down (because you don't need AC) and singing along with the radio.  I miss keeping the windows open all summer for the kitties, and sleeping to the sound of the fan (I never thought I'd live without air conditioning).

I miss the way I felt so free my Summer of Me (yes, I know it was because I was ignoring my responsibilities, which is not good in the long run, but at the time was awesome) like the weight of the world was off my shoulders (which it totally was).  I could do ANYTHING. I could be ANYONE. I was released. It was amazing.

There are plenty of things I don't miss, of course.  Being beyond broke, barely employed, and depressed can all go suck it and I'm glad they're gone.

Fella says one day when we're rich and don't have to work anymore he'll buy me a house there.

I can't wait.


Keenie Beanie said...

One of our great friends lives in Evergreen and wouldn't choose anywhere else. Colorado is a lovely place and I'm not surprised you are missing it.

And Fella plans to buy you a house there... *swoon*

Gayle said...

Update---We just surpassed hell by 10 degrees and still rising.
There are places that exist that do not require 10 ton air conditioners?? Tel fella I'll take the other side of the duplex.

Desert Songbird said...

Remember what I said about nurturing your spirit versus nurturing your bank account?

secret agent woman said...

That's funny - I was just writing today about a weekend with humid heat and no AC - and loving it!